Sister Freda came to visit us in Dallas in late January. She was accompanied by Darlene Sala who has written a book about sister Freda Robinson, Heart of Compassion, Hands of Care.
It was her birthday and NorthPark Presbyterian Church gave her a birthday cake and sang Happy Birthday. We then had a video presentation of her work in Kenya. Cherry also had Kenyan crafts to support the GEMS ( Girls Educational Movement). The girls send these to Cherry and Marty Mattia who return the proceeds to the girls to support their schooling.
We had a reception for Sister Freda and Darlene at our house so that people could meet this remarkable woman and her biggest fan. Darlene and her husband Harold usually work in the Phillipines but are so taken with Sister Freda that they have helped her too.
Sister Freda told us of caring for President Obama's father when she was a nursing student in Kenya and then meeting then Senator Obama at Saddleback Church in 2006 at an AIDS conference.

On February 16, 2009 Cherry and David will leave for Kenya where they will again work at Sister Freda's Hospital and outlying regions. They are taking medical and educational supplies with them. After 2 weeks there they plan to go to Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo with Steve Rutenbar, SaddleBack Church's Pastor of Relief. We hope to tell you more of our trip while there. We welcome your prayers and support.
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